The Version tab allows an existing application configuration to be migrated a different version. The target version is selectable, and can be older (downgrade) or newer (upgrade) than the current application's version.
This is useful in the case when a new version of an application, with new features, is released. Rather than copying configuration parameter values to a new configuration manually, an existing application configuration can simply be migrated to the new version.
Migration involves matching configuration parameters across different versions of the program. When a downgrade takes place, parameters that exist in the new version cannot be matched in the old version, and are consequently not migrated. In the same way, when an older version is upgraded, the new version may be missing parameters, and also have new parameters, in which case matching is not possible and the values in the new configuration will be left in their default state.
Values are validated as they are migrated, in case the target version has the same parameter, but a different allowable range. When the current value is out of range on the target version, the configuration parameter's value will be set to the default value.
When an application configuration is migrated to a new version, the original configuration is left untouched. A new, default, configuration at the target version is created in the database, and then values are migrated parameter by parameter.
A detailed log entry is created when a migration takes place. The migration log can be viewed on theLog tab and should be used to verify the results of any migration.
It is the user's responsibility to verify that a migrated configuration is suitable for use. Non-obvious changes can occur between versions, in which case migration may not work as expected.
Newer versions of an application will almost always use additional Modbus registers. It is the user's responsibility to verify that a migrated configuration does not have register overlaps, including overlaps with logic or Realflo
Version Tab
Selected configuration
Select an application to migrate to a new version here.
This area shows the possible target versions. Each version shows a release date and release notes. Each entry can be selected.
An application configuration can only be migrated to a different version of the same application type. A Well Test configuration cannot be migrated to a Plunger Lift configuration, for example.
An application configuration cannot be migrated to its current version. Use the Copy feature on the Apps tab for this functionality
Clicking this button will migrate the selected configuration to the selected target version. This button will be disabled if migration is not possible. When migration is complete, a log entry, which is viewable on the Log tab, will be created. The results of the migration must be verified before the new configuration can be used.