Use settings in this group to configure shutdowns. Shutdowns take an input value, which can be a digital value, an integer value, or a float value, process the input value, and use the result of the processing to drive outputs.
Digital Input
When the input value is a digital value, the shutdown is active when the digital value is 0 (active low). The Shutdown Type setting is used to set the status of the shutdown when the shutdown is active. For example, if the Shutdown Type is configured as Overrange , then when the digital input goes low (active), the Shutdown Status is set to Overrange. When the digital input is high (inactive), the Shutdown Status is set to Normal.
Integer and Float Inputs
When the input value is an integer or float value, the shutdown becomes active based on a comparison between the actual input value and the value in the Shutdown Threshold field. The type of comparison depends on the value of the Shutdown Type field.
When the Shutdown Type is High, High High or Overrange, the shutdown is active when the input value is greater than the Shutdown Threshold.
When the Shutdown Type is Low, Low Low or Underrange, the shutdown is active when the input value is less than the Shutdown Threshold.
When a shutdown isn't active, the Shutdown Status is Normal. When the shutdown is active, the Shutdown Type field is used to set the Shutdown Status.
Inputs that drive a shutdown MUST be enabled by the user. A shutdown can be configured to be driven from different inputs, but doing so does not automatically enable or otherwise configure the input.
Use the Shutdown Manager Export feature to help detect when an input that drives a shutdown is not configured correctly.
A shutdown can drive from 0 to 8 outputs. When no outputs are driven, the Shutdown Status can possibly be used to do something interesting. The status of any output is determined by the state of all the shutdowns that drive the output. When any shutdown goes active (moves to a state other than Normal), the output will become active.
Shutdowns - Configuration Parameters
Enable Shutdown
Select this option to enable the shutdown. When the shutdown is disabled it will not be processed, outputs will not be driven by this shutdown, and the shutdown's status will be set to Disabled.
Use these settings to configure the input value that is used by this shutdown. Options for the Shutdown Source include Digital Inputs, Integer Raw Value, Integer Scaled Value, Float Raw Value and Float Scaled Value.
Configure the Digital Source value when the Shutdown Source is Digital Input. When the Shutdown Source is Digital Input, the Integer Source and Float Source values are not used. When a digital input is used to drive the shutdown, the shutdown will be active when the digital input is low (0). The shutdown will be inactive when the digital input is high (1).
Configure the Integer Source value when the Shutdown Source is Integer Raw Value or Integer Scaled Value. When the Shutdown Source is an integer value, the Digital Source and Float Source fields are not used.
Configure the Float Source value when the Shutdown Source is Float Raw Value or Float Scaled Value. When the Shutdown Source is an float value, the Digital Source and Integer Source fields are not used.
Inputs that drive a shutdown MUST be enabled by the user. A shutdown can be configured to be driven from different inputs, but doing so does not automatically enable or otherwise configure the input.
Use the Shutdown Manager Export feature to help detect when an input that drives a shutdown is not configured correctly.
Use the Shutdown Type setting to describe the state of the shutdown when the shutdown is active. When a shutdown is enabled, but inactive, it will be in the Normal state. When a shutdown is active, the status of the shutdown will be that value in the Shutdown Type field. So, when a shutdown is active, and the Shutdown Type is Low Low, then the shutdown state in the shutdown's status parameter will be Low Low.
When the Shutdown Source is an integer or float value (not a digital value), the Shutdown Type setting will also be used to determine the type of comparison that is done between the source value and the Shutdown Threshold to determine whether the shutdown is active. When the Shutdown Source is a digital value, the shutdown is always active when the digital input is low and the Shutdown Threshold is not used.
For example, if the Shutdown Type is Underrange, and the Shutdown Threshold is 20, the shutdown will be active when then input value is less than 20 and inactive (Normal) when the input value is greater than 20. If the Shutdown Type was High High, then the shutdown would be active when the input value is greater than 20.
The shutdown is active when the input value is greater than the Shutdown Threshold when the Shutdown Type is High, High High or Overrange.
The shutdown is active when the input value is less than the Shutdown Threshold when the Shutdown type is Low, Low Low, or Underrange.
Use these settings to connect the shutdown to an output. Each shutdown can be connected to up to 8 different outputs. An output is active when any single one the shutdowns that drive the output becomes active. Use the Export feature to view a matrix of which shutdowns drive which outputs.
An output connection is not required. Even when a shutdown is not connected to an any outputs, it could be useful to use the shutdown's status to drive user ladder logic.