Control Parameters that allow you to advance immediately to a specific control state for control loop 0 are shown in the screen grab below. Parameters that end with 0 apply to control loop 0. Parameters that end with 1 apply to control loop 1 and so on.
The Advance to Flow command will move the program to the Waiting for Plunger Delay state if the well has a plunger installed, otherwise the program will move to the After Flow Delay state.
Do not rely on the screen grabs in this section for Modbus register addresses. The registers used will depend on your specific configuration and the version of the application. Always get the registers from Modbus CSV export.
Plunger Control Parameters
The coil will be cleared to 0 when the command is processed by the application. An entry will also be made in the diagnostic log. The state change is immediate and the program will not do the normal things that it does at the end of a control cycle like updating history, calculating new optimized set points, and so on.