Reference Manual

Integer Inputs

Use the settings in this section to process integer values so that they can be used to drive a shutdown. Integer values can also optionally be averaged and scaled into a floating point value, and the scaled value can also optionally be written to Modbus registers. 
Integer Inputs - Configuration Parameters
Integer Inputs

Enable Integer Input

1. Enable Integer Input
Select this option to enable the integer input. When the input is enabled, the value in the Input Register will be read and processed.
Integer Inputs that drive a shutdown MUST be enabled by the user. A shutdown can be configured to be driven from a integer input, but doing so does not automatically enable or otherwise configure the integer Input
Use the Shutdown Manager Export feature to help detect when an input that drives a shutdown is not configured correctly

Input Register

2. Input Register
Use this setting to configure the source value for the integer input. The value in the register will be interpreted as a signed 16 bit value.

Average Count

3. Average Count
Use this setting to configure how many input samples will be averaged to generate the processed value. Averaging can be used to suppress noise in the input value, or to slow down the rate of change in fast moving inputs. Set the value to 0 to disable averaging. Averaging is applied before scaling.


4. Scaling
Use these settings to scale the integer value into a floating point value. Scaling is optional, however, if a shutdown is driven by this integer input and the shutdown is configured to use the scaled value, then scaling must be enabled and correctly configured. Not doing so may cause the shutdown to be active in error or other undesirable behavior.
Averaging is applied before scaling.
Integer inputs that drive a shutdown that is configured to use the scaled integer value MUST have scaling enabled and configured correctly. Scaling is not automatically enabled and configured when a shutdown is configured to use a scaled integer value.
Use the Shutdown Manager Export feature to help detect when an input that drives a shutdown is not configured correctly

Scaled Output

5. Scaled Output
Use these settings to write the scaled value to Modbus registers. This is optional even if a shutdown that is driven by this value is configured to use the scaled value. The value is not read from Modbus by the shutdown.