Reference Manual

Digital Inputs

Use the settings in this section to process digital values so that they can be used to drive a shutdown. A shutdown that is driven from a digital input will be active whenever the value if the digital input is low (0). For the sake of simplicity, this behavior is not configurable.
A shutdown that is driven from a digital input will be active whenever the value if the digital input is low (0)
Digital Inputs - Configuration Parameters
Digital Inputs

Enable Digital Input

1. Enable Digital Input
Select this option to enable the digital input. When the input is enabled, the input register will be read and the value in that register will be processed.
Digital inputs that drive a shutdown MUST be enabled by the user. A shutdown can be configured to be driven from a digital Input, but doing so does not automatically enable or otherwise configure the digital input
Use the Shutdown Manager Export feature to help detect when an input that drives a shutdown is not configured correctly

Input Register

2. Input Register
Use this setting to configure the source value for the this input.

Debounce Time

3. Debounce Time
Use this setting to configure how long the program waits before seeing a state change in the input register before accepting the state change. This option can be used to smooth noisy digital values. When the Debounce Time is set to 0 the value in the input register is accepted immediately.

Invert Input

4. Invert Input
Select this option to invert the value in the input register. When the value in the input register is 0, the processed value will be 1, and vice versa.

Digital Output

5. Digital Output
The processed value can optionally be written to a register. Use this to debug to system or to incorporate the processed digital value into a user ladder logic program. The processed value does not need to be written to an output register to be used by a shutdown.