CloudMQTT is a popular MQTT broker. There are no fees to get started. You can test the MQTT application by publishing data to CloudMQTT. To get started, follow the instructions below.
These instructions assume that you have a SCADAPack RTU with the MQTT application installed.
Create a CloudMQTT instance. The screen grab below shows the instance Test_01.
CloudMQTT Instance
Create a user in your instance with credentials so that you can log in from the RTU without using your master credentials.
Give your user read/write permissions to a topic. Use the topic prefix here to filter out values. For example, use the RTU's controller ID and a global wildcard, like so: A228359/#. This lets the configured user read and write to anything under the A228359 topic. In the MQTT application, set the Topic Prefix on theMQTT Server Settings to the same controller ID. (A228359).
Create a MQTT application configuration in the PC Application program. Configuration theMQTT Server Settings to match the settings from CloudMQTT.
Configure the MQTT application configuration to have at least one Reporting Group publish data on a schedule.
Download the configuration to the RTU using the Sync with RTU tab in the PC Configuration program.
Verify that values are being published correctly using the Websocket UI in the CloudMQTT instance