Each well test control loop presents data from the current cycle (the cycle underway), the previous cycle, and the cycle before that (second to last cycle), over Modbus. Status information from the current cycle is described in the Current Test Information section. Information for the previous cycles is described in this section.
A subset of the information from the current cycle is moved into parameters for the previous cycles, and information for the previous cycle is moved into the parameters for the second to previous cycle at the end of the plunger cycle. A well test cycle is complete when the current test is accepted or rejected. As such, historic information will only change at the end of the cycle, and will be stable for the entire next test.
Values for the previous cycle have Last in their name. Values for the cycle before that have N2 in their name. Additionally, each well test loop (separator) gets its own set of current and historic information. Values for well test control loop 0 have 0 in their name, values for control loop 1 have 1 in their name and so on.