Reference Manual


Each tank has a set of associated control parameters.  Parameters for Tank Transaction 00 end in T0, parameters for Tank Transaction 01 end in T1 and so on. Each meter has a set of associated control parameters.  Parameters for Meter Transaction 00 end in M0, parameters for Meter Transaction 01 end in M1 and so on.
Each tank transaction group has a Stop Start Trans control parameter that can be used to manually stop or start a transaction. Each tank transaction group also has a Clear Data control parameter that resets all the internal state data for a given Tank.
Each meter transaction group has a Stop Start Trans control parameter that can be used to manually stop or start a transaction. Each meter transaction group also has a Clear Data control parameter that resets all the internal state data for a given Tank.
See the Applications and Modbus tab for some background information on SCADASuite and Modbus. You can always export the Modbus register map for the application to see an up to date list of what control parameters are available, which registers the information is in, and descriptions of the meaning of the information.
Control Parameters