Reference Manual

Ignition and Datalogs

Screen grabs showing how logged data appears in Ignition are below. These examples use the Datalogs application to create and manage datalogs on the RTU. This gives the MQTT application more context about the values that are logged, including user configurable names for datalogs, datalog values and whether integer values in the datalog are actually digital values.
The screen grab below shows tags with history enabled. When the MQTT application sends an NBIRTH message, the tags will be created automatically, but history must still be enabled manually in Ignition. In this case, the name of the Datalog group instance in the Datalogs application was set to 'meter values' and the datalog was configured to store three values every 30 seconds.
Ignition - Tags With History Enabled
The screen grab below shows the tags' history in Ignition. Values are available at a 30 second interval even though they are only updated once there are 10 new records in the datalog. All of the values have the same timestamp.
Note that the timestamps are uploaded in UTC, but displayed in local time, which in this case is UTC-6.
Ignition - Tags History
The screen grab below shows the raw data from the RTU which was retrieved using Schneider Electric's SCADALog software. The timestamps are in UTC, but they align with the timestamps in Ignition. The values also line up.
Raw Values from RTU